Vytautas Malesh

Masking up before it was cool.

Dr. Vytautas Malesh (MFA, PhD) is a writer and professor living and working in Miami, Florida. He has moved so many times that it’s difficult to say where he’s actually from, but he always, enthusiastically, claims Detroit. Content added on a need-to-write basis.

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Unicorn Chasers Update #27

This was our election night session, and it was a big deal because we were all very anxious and hopeful and we were kind of not paying attention to returns (or rather, as little as possible), because the stress was *bonkers*.   We were also just slamming drinks the whole time.   Read more about it (short…

Unicorn Chasers Update #25

The beast, enraged, reared its head. It had been switching back and forthbetween fight and flight, but at last it sighted Wilster and breathed out ahorrific jet of deadly acid. Wilster dropped, flesh peeling off his bones.Desperate action was needed. Read the rest over in the archive!


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